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– Pro Purpose Project –

Safe Housing

Accommodation and wrap around services for Australian families experiencing homelessness

Breaking the cycle

This project helps to break the cycle of homelessness and supports disadvantaged Australian families build a safe and bright future that is full of hope. 

The need

In Australia, on any given night 116,000 people are homeless. Families are faced with additional complexities when navigating the challenges associated with homelessness.

This project focuses on early intervention and prevention of homelessness, as well as health, wellbeing and educational support services along the journey. Through this project, we empower families with the skills to reshape their future and pave the way towards real and lasting change.

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The facts

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Over 17,600 children younger than 12 years are homeless

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Domestic and family violence is the main reason why people experience homelessness

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26% increase in demand for homelessness support services in the past 3 years

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'Rough sleepers' only account for approximately 9% of homelessness

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Lack of affordable housing is a growing cause of homelessness
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Many in need experience 'hidden homelessness' - having shelter, but no permanent place to call home

The objective

The objective of this project is to provide three to nine months of accommodation for families in need, whilst working towards a permanent living solution in private rentals.

In addition to accommodation, this project also works intensively with those in need to identify the core cause of homelessness, provide support to work through those issues and secure stable, safe living environments for the future.

 Your Pledge: Providing safety, security, dignity 

With your Purpose Pledge, homes will be provided to give Australian families experiencing homelessness a safe roof over their head and the support services to build a bright, hope-filled future.


Rebecca's story

From sleeping in a car to a safe home. Mission Australia help with permanent housing solutions, as well as emotional support for Australian families experiencing homelessness. 


Project Partner

To support Australian families experiencing homelessness, we choose to partner with Mission Australia. As an enduring presence in the fabric of Australian life for more than 160 years, Mission Australia are a national community services organisation working together with disadvantaged families and young people to ensure all Australian have a safe home to thrive in.

To find out more about Mission Australia and the incredible work they do, click here.


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Our impact and counting

Together as a Pro Purpose community we’ve helped provide

Asset 2 (1)



Nights of safe housing for Australian families experiencing homelessness

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