- Pro Purpose Partner -
Loan Lounge
Finance, Burwood NSW
We’re financing a difference.
We believe in a philosophy whereby our clients are valued, staff are empowered and the community is impacted. We do this by serving clients, our partners and giving 10% of our trail income to end human trafficking.
Start up loans will help women build businesses thereby supporting their family and abolish human trafficking."
Our Purpose Pledge helps provide start up loans in Indonesia

Our impact and counting
Start Up Loans for Families in Indonesia to Open their own Business
We love being able to make a difference
Loan Lounge is in proud partnership with Pro Purpose as a Profit for Purpose business.
We help provide start up loans for families in Indonesia to open their own business, grow their income and break the poverty cycle.
Our commitment is a 'hand up' not a 'hand out' - from one business owner to another.