Donated towards impact projects
Transform your business with purpose
Australia's Pro Purpose™ Movement.
We'd love your business to join the mission to see a world where Profit & Purpose prosper together.
Our goal:
70,000 businesses
collectively giving $1billion by 2035.

Becoming a Pro Purpose™ partner
is a win-win for all
Our impact and counting
Together as a movement of Profit for Purpose businesses, our collective impact is growing and tangibly transforming lives.

Children sponsored

Water well repairs in Uganda

People provided clean water

Maternity appointments for safe births in Uganda
Start up loans for families in Indonesia

Days for First Nations Women domestic violence healing workshops

Days for First Nations Youth cultural leadership programs

Days of education for children in Uganda
Nights of safe housing for Australian families experiencing homelessness
Inspiring ways Pro Purpose™ partners have integrated purpose into their business

Australian Family Homelessness
Leadership Counts
provides two nights of safe housing for every business coaching session
247 nights
of safe housing and counting
Speak About
donates a fixed amount every month to provide school education in Uganda
1,075 days
of education and counting

Water Wells
JetBlack Plumbers
donates a percentage of profit to provide clean water in Uganda
15,000 people
with clean water and counting

Child Sponsorship
Salon Purpose
One Chair One Child sponsors one child for every chair in the salon
8 children
and counting